Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Future Musician?

Skip can play a pretty mean harmonica. Okay, it's not like he actually knows how to play a tune, but he really  plays with intense passion.
In general, Skip's attention span is about 10 times shorter than Zadie's.  Zadie can color or work on an independent project for hours, whereas Skip can only sit still for a limited amount of time, like when we're reading him a book or he's watching a program on the computer (and he often can't sit through a full 30-minute program).  He's just an incredibly active and physical child who is most happy running, jumping, and wrestling.

The one area in which his attention span is significantly longer than Zadie's is when it comes to watching music.  From a very young age, he's been completely transfixed by live music.  When we were in the mountains with friends recently, we went to a pizza place with a bluegrass band.  It ended up not being a very kid-friendly choice because there was a sign on the door that said "Music lovers only, please."  We had six kids with us, so we sat outside in the patio, but Tori took Skip inside and the two of them stayed in there for 45 minutes, until she had to pull him out of there.  I think the other guests were probably rolling their eyes when they saw a two-year-old boy come in the room, but Tori said many of them approached her to say how amazed with how perfectly still he sat, and how fun it was to watch him watching the show.  One lady told Tori, "I can see his whole future right now.  He's going to be a professional musician."

I don't know if that will be the case -- and, as his parent, I hope that he finds a suitable day job to pay the bills and not mooch off us! -- but I do think that he will have a very special interest and hopefully talent in music.  And in this case, he will be very thankful that he does not have his mothers' genes.

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