Friday, May 30, 2008

Zadie's bath

Kim was sweet enough to post this video from last week when we were visiting. I'm excited about it because Zadie's sweet smile has been captured on video!

Tori is usually the person who gives Zadie her baths and so this is actually the first time I've ever been in charge of giving her a bath. Believe it or not!

We are now in DC for the week. Zadie is only 4 months old and has already been on the plane 3 times. Tori and I took separate flights yesterday and Zadie flew with me. She was very, very good and I was so thankful. She has a very calm disposition like her Mama K!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

To Do List

I haven't figured out how to post videos from our camera yet, but I wanted to make a list of stuff I want to capture with a photo or video:
  • "Dancer hands:" These are special little hands motions that Zadie makes when she's half asleep.
  • Drunken Zadie: I'd like to get a video of what Zadie looks like after she's completely full of milk and passed out on my shoulder.
  • The Squawk: Zadie is world-famous for her silly little squawks and we need to capture it on video!
  • Makeshift Activity Mat: The toys that Tori put together in lieu of an activity mat because she hates too much kid paraphenalia!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

zadie's zzzzs

We're at Kim's house for Memorial Day weekend and she took some video of this cute little quirk that Zadie has. She always nurses in her sleep, which I think is adorable. Maybe every single baby in the world does this, but I think it's pretty cool! You don't have to watch the whole video because she really just does the same thing throughout.

Kim also posted this video of the three cousins playing together (sort of).

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hip Hip Hooray!

As the previous post mentioned, my dear sister Kim created this blog for me. Technology is not my forte, so hopefully this blog thing is going to work out. For those of you who also read Kim's blog, don't be expecting all those fancy video clips!!

It is no coincidence that I chose this weekend to write my very first blog entry. I graduated two days ago from USC and so I am thrilled to have a bit more time on my hands. I'm really excited about this blog because there are so many special moments that we've already had with Zadie that we haven't recorded.

About a week ago, for example, Zadie let loose with her very first out-loud laugh. Kind of like a giggle from the belly. We had the pleasure of hearing two of those laughs that night and then she was all silent for another week. But then Granddaddy Hal came to visit and she's been doing some belly laughs! He has a special talent for making her laugh, especially when he rubs his bald head on her tummy.

I just added some new photos, mostly from this weekend, which can be viewed by clicking on "Almost 4 months" on the right.