Saturday, June 28, 2008

More Wedding Photos

Photographers from our June 17th wedding have been kind enough to send us lots of photographs, so I thought I'd post a few more. I think Zadie looks particularly cute in the top photo, although I clearly need a haircut! And the bottom photo was taken by my uncle Mike as he watched us on CNN with Wolf Blitzer. I never thought I'd be that close to Wolf Blitzer!

Also, one photographer who spent a lot of time with us that day actually posted 226 photos of us on her website. She's also going to send us a disk so that we can have the photos forever. She and my mom spent a lot of time together that time and apparently people kept asking them if they were getting married that day. I think that's pretty funny that my mom was mistaken for a lesbian!!

In other news, we're having a great visit with my friend Jenna and her daughter Lucy from Wisconsin. I'll post a photo of Zadie and Lucy when I get a chance to download the photos.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kate and Tori Get Hitched (Again)!

On Tuesday, June 17th same sex marriage became legal in California. Never one to miss a large gathering or celebration, Tori arrived the night before and stayed overnight to secure the very first place in line. We were thrilled to get our very official marriage certificate and participate in such an historic occasion. I could write so much more about the importance of this day in our lives and what we hope it will mean for Zadie, but I have so many other things to summarize.

Partly because we were first in line, partly because we were dressed in poofy white dresses, and mostly because we have a beautiful child, we had tons of cameras following us and requests to interview. It was a wonderfully crazy day and pretty much a media circus that even wiped indefatigable Tori out. Our photos or comments were seen in the NY Times, L.A. Times, Seattle Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, San Francisco Chronicle, Wall Street Journal, Atlantic Monthly (see above), China Daily, London Telegraph, International Herald Tribune, CNN, and local television stations. We were on the front page of the L.A. Times hard copy edition and the front page of the page (see above) -- that generated by far the most attention and emails and phone calls from friends (some of them long lost friends!). We will treasure having all these memories for Zadie -- can you imagine conquering all that media at the age of five months??

Oh, and today a reporter called from People Magazine and apparently they're going to run a photo and a small blurb in this week's edition.

In all seriousness, it's been fun to be a part of so much excitement, but we also feel honored to be representing the gay and lesbian community in some small way. We were not a part of all the hard work that went into making this victory happen, but we are grateful to those who made our legal marriage possible. Hooray!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

So Long to the Squawk?

We're spending this weekend at the grandparent's house in San Diego and that means lots of relaxing by the new pool. It's like staying at a resort!

Zadie went swimming a few times this weekend and she liked it -- Tori would probably disown her if she didn't like it, so no pressure.

Zadie has all of the sudden found her voice and I'm not sure if I like it. Instead of her normal cute little squawk, she's started kind of talking in a yelling kind of way. Hard to describe, but maybe I can figure out how to video it -- I may have missed my opportunity to video the squawk, which is actually kind of sad. So long to the squawk.

Friday, June 13, 2008

More Friends

This is a photo from our weekend in NYC with my friend Tekla and her two-month old daughter, Hayden. Zadie is making lots of new friends.

Doesn't Zadie look like a giant?

Her visit to NYC included a late-night stroll along the bright lights of Times Square (she liked all the commotion), a trip to 95 degree and very muggy Central Park, and quality time with friends from Hamilton and my cousin, Matt.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back to Work :(

After four and a half months, our time at home with Zadie is finally up. It was a sad day, but yesterday Tori and I were both at work. We're lucky that we've been able to leave her with family (Tori's sister this week, my mom next week, and then Tori's cousin after that), but it's still pretty hard to leave her.

Today Zadie had her 4 month check-up and she weighs 14 pounds (50th percentile), is 25.5 inches long (90th percentile), and her head is 95th percentile. It appears she has inherited the huge Kuykendall head gene.

I wanted to put a photo in this post and I chose this one, even though it was about a month ago, because I like her outfit and it's a cute one of her friend Nathan (Amy and Jenelle's son).

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Zadie Hits the Big Apple

Little Zadie Zoo is pretty well-travelled already. In only 4+ months, she's already been to San Francisco, D.C., and New York. I had a conference in D.C. and so we turned it into a family vacation and a 10-day trip. I wish I could post a photo, but I'm on someone else's computer. Will do later.

On her first night in New York, we walked through Times Square late at night and Zadie loved all the bright lights. Then yesterday we went to Central Park and hung out in the 93 degree heat.

Zadie has been really, really good this whole trip. We're so proud!