I've really been enjoying Skip lately. He's almost four months old and is full of smiles and coos. I've actually decided that I'm kind of over that 0-3 months stage because this is way more rewarding.
I'm also loving how CUTE Skip is! This photo is Exhibit A, with more to follow. I find myself always telling him how adorable he is, but then I think of Grandma Linda and how she always tells children that they are resilient and quick to laugh and kind and all that stuff and so I tell him those things, too. We don't want him growing up thinking he can skate by on his looks!
Oh, and the other thing that makes Skip like 500 times more adorable is that he has been sleeping through the night for past few weeks! The Kate and Tori training program has been a smashing success and he typically sleeps from 7:30pm to 6:30am. This makes me like him (and everyone else around me) much more because we are finally getting our much-needed sleep! As of yesterday we put Skip on a new training program so that he can fall asleep on his own, rather than us having to put him to sleep or having to give him his pacifier every three minutes when it falls out. He fell asleep tonight -- without his pacifier, which was only by accident -- within about five minutes!
Okay, sorry to brag if you're reading this blog and your kid is keeping you up at night (Jenna!). I'm just pretty excited about all this. I'm a much better parent when I'm rested!