Last weekend, Zadie, Skip, and Tori all had their very first taste of the family ranch. It was my first time visiting since 2001 and it was great to be back. The weather was a bit of a drag, but we still got to have one night by the campfire. Zadie loved every bit of tromping around in the mud. Thanks to my parents for putting us up in a motorhome!
A bunch of family in front of my parents' new shipping container that they converted into a high-end trailer. They're such die-hard environmentalists that they even recycle their home. Haha.
Me and Skip with my Aunt Nancy and Aunt Kay. Best part of Texas? My aunts live there.
Hanging out by the campfire on the night it didn't rain. Skip was so bundled up you can't really see him. I call this Tori's Amelia Earhart hat.
Zadie had fun getting dirty. I interrupted her shoveling long enough to get this photo with my dad. "Shovel" was her very first two-syllable word (besides "mama").
Thanks to Cousin Mark for letting us borrow his Polaris. Zadie started out really excited about steering, but then eventually fell asleep at the wheel.