Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kate and Tori Get Hitched (Again)!

On Tuesday, June 17th same sex marriage became legal in California. Never one to miss a large gathering or celebration, Tori arrived the night before and stayed overnight to secure the very first place in line. We were thrilled to get our very official marriage certificate and participate in such an historic occasion. I could write so much more about the importance of this day in our lives and what we hope it will mean for Zadie, but I have so many other things to summarize.

Partly because we were first in line, partly because we were dressed in poofy white dresses, and mostly because we have a beautiful child, we had tons of cameras following us and requests to interview. It was a wonderfully crazy day and pretty much a media circus that even wiped indefatigable Tori out. Our photos or comments were seen in the NY Times, L.A. Times, Seattle Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, San Francisco Chronicle, Wall Street Journal, Atlantic Monthly (see above), China Daily, London Telegraph, International Herald Tribune, CNN, and local television stations. We were on the front page of the L.A. Times hard copy edition and the front page of the page (see above) -- that generated by far the most attention and emails and phone calls from friends (some of them long lost friends!). We will treasure having all these memories for Zadie -- can you imagine conquering all that media at the age of five months??

Oh, and today a reporter called from People Magazine and apparently they're going to run a photo and a small blurb in this week's edition.

In all seriousness, it's been fun to be a part of so much excitement, but we also feel honored to be representing the gay and lesbian community in some small way. We were not a part of all the hard work that went into making this victory happen, but we are grateful to those who made our legal marriage possible. Hooray!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! I am really proud of you two ~ so thankful that you asked me to be your witness. I would not have wanted to miss out on such a special occasion!

Love, Mom

Kim said...

Hip, hip, hooray, ladies! Congratulations on the legality of your union. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate & Tori,

I enjoy reading your blog and looking at the pictures. This is so cool and neat.

I got some cute outfits for Zadie and a book. One of the outfits will match Sophie and Izzy. They are coveralls with a pink shirt and have embroidered pink flowers. So sweet and hopefully all three of them can be together at some point so you can take a picture and they can pretend to be triplets!!!

Glad you are enjoying summer! My favorite season!!! :)

Please give Zadie a big hug and kiss from all of us!

Anabel, Nick and Austin