Sunday, June 8, 2008

Zadie Hits the Big Apple

Little Zadie Zoo is pretty well-travelled already. In only 4+ months, she's already been to San Francisco, D.C., and New York. I had a conference in D.C. and so we turned it into a family vacation and a 10-day trip. I wish I could post a photo, but I'm on someone else's computer. Will do later.

On her first night in New York, we walked through Times Square late at night and Zadie loved all the bright lights. Then yesterday we went to Central Park and hung out in the 93 degree heat.

Zadie has been really, really good this whole trip. We're so proud!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Ms. Zadie zoo this weekend and hear about her trip to the Big Apple!!!!! I need to see all the new tricks she can do!

Love, G-ma Niece