Monday, July 21, 2008

Zadie Tries Her First Food!

After six months of breast milk, tonight we gave Zadie her first try at solid foods. Tori made some zucchini with the food mill and we put Zadie in the high chair for the first time. Other kids have to use those fancy new high chairs that are all germ-free, but Zadie gets her very own vintage, 1950s high chair full of 50 years of germs. We bought it about four years in Texas and have been waiting for a little baby to appear in our lives and put it to use.

So check out the video of Tori feeding Zadie -- so far she's not a big fan of Tori's cooking!


Kim said...

tooooo hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I don't think Mikey (Zadie) likes it!

love, the grandparents