Monday, January 5, 2009


Zadie is almost one year old and she has never really been sick. We've been so fortunate. But a few days ago she caught a stomach virus and started vomiting. It was so awful. She vomited every 30 minutes or so from about 5:30pm to 11pm. Even after she fell asleep, she would wake up and dry heave in bed and I would put my hand on her back and her whole little body would be retching.

I know how much I hate being sick, so I can't imagine what it would be like to be that sick for the first time. When she was vomiting she would just look at us with this pathetic, confused look and of course there was nothing we could do to help. Thankfully she ended up sleeping through the night and was fine the next morning, but I hope she doesn't get that sick again for a very long time.

I just read Anne Lamott's book "Operating Instructions" and I highly recommend it. It's about her first year as a mother and it's hilarious and brutally honest. Thank you to Ms. Sobel for giving it to me.


Beth said...

It sounds miserable. Being her first time sick, it may just be that it was harder on the mama's watching helpless than resiient little Zadie Zoo! Hope everyone stays healthy!

Kim said...

Awful, awful, awful!!! My girls haven't done the full on vomiting thing yet (knock wood!), but Sophie did have a dry heaving spell and that was torture! Glad she is feeling better. And Operating Instructions is one of my favorite books ever.