Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Reinforcements on the way

I haven't been very good about blogging lately. I'd like to blame my computer, which is very old and very prone to shutdowns. Recently a new friend who is also an IT professional tried to diagnose the problem and he informed me that my lack of anti-virus vigilance was allowing hackers to do horrible things and that I was an irresponsible global citizen. He feels very passionately about these issues and I must admit that I was completely unaware of any of this -- I just thought my computer was slow and annoying.

So I've finally broken down and bought a new laptop. I've been agonizing over this decision for the past year since I'm trying to be cheap and of course I don't NEED a new laptop. But I found a decent deal and it should be here shortly. Which gets back to the subject line of this post -- hopefully I'll be blogging more often (and interestingly) once I my new laptop arrives!

But isn't that always how it is with materials possessions? You think, "Well, if I had x item then I would definitely do blah blah blah." So you readers (all three of you) can keep to this promise!


Kim said...

So THAT'S what is wrong with your lousy computer. Now maybe mom will be able to Skype us from your house. :)

DPC said...

I'm pretty sure you have more than 3 least 4 since you probably didn't count me :). Kim has good taste in blogs so I read many of the ones she links to. Plus, Zadie is so darn cute!


Kim said...

Okay, have the reinforcements arrived yet? We need an update! We need a new video!!! The girls and I go to your blog almost daily and they want to see Baby Zay-Zay, but all the videos we watch are way back in Nov and Dec and we're starting to feel the need for some new material!! I guess I shouldn't complain because I really don't post videos much, but then again I don't have that FLIP!!!!!!

RalfEriX said...

Be careful that the old computer doesn't infect the new one behind your router it has a better chance to exploit it, also be careful when you transfer the data from the old to the new that you sanitize it well and don't transfer the viruses, worms and spyware.