Friday, September 18, 2009

$40 Hat and Two-Tone Lip

Zadie and I went on a bike ride to Manhattan Beach on one of my days off and I really wanted to get her a hat. I made the mistake of going into one of the fancy shops there and two salespeople swarmed me with all kinds of adorable hats. Some of them were more than $60, but I felt too embarrassed to leave without buying something and I figured I could just make Tori return it later. Anyway, I picked this hat and we ended up not returning it because it's so cute. It actually looks enormous in this photo, so you'll just have to trust me. And now Zadie has a $40 hat, which is typically how we refer to it, e.g. "Where's Zadie's $40 hat?"

I don't think I've ever written about Zadie's two-tone lip. It's very unique! People often think that she has lipstick on one half of her upper lip because half of her lip is much redder than the other side. It's been that way since she was born. The doctor told us some long story about blood vessels and said that it would eventually go away, but it certainly hasn't yet. We are quite partial to it, but I don't know how Zadie would feel if she was an insecure teenager dealing with make-up and kids' stupid questions. When she was little, Tori used to always call her "Two-tone."

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CougarBeatsCougar said...
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