Wednesday, September 30, 2009

No Standards Whatsoever

As many of you may know, Tori is an extremely clean person. Her mom has always worried that she'll be so busy cleaning that she won't take enough time to do the fun stuff (apparently Linda wishes that she had let things go a bit more and hadn't spent so much time worrying about having a clean house when she had kids). Well, Linda, this photo is to ASSURE you that you need not worry. Tori has become quite adept at dealing with mass chaos, as you can see in this photo.

I'm not nearly as neat as Tori, but I'm still pretty clean and I have to fess up and say that I really used to judge people who had kids and whose houses and cars were messy. Now I look at this photo and I am humbled. I never would have thought that our house would look like this -- of course we clean it up at the end of the day or when people come over, but there's a certain sense of surrender that I think you can detect here. In this case I am surrendering so that I can read the Sunday paper.

Can you believe this photo?! The little culprit is not even pictured, either.


Nick said...

Ya still can't compete w/me and my roomie!

Alan said...

we would take a picture and show you our house but I can't find the camera under all this crap.

Jenna said...

Oh Kate, thank you for this post. I love the term "surrender" when referring to what needs to be done in order to survive. That is what I am going to do from now on, surrender.