Skip will be three months old in just a few months. We're making really good progress with the adoption and feel very positive about it and thankful that everything is proceeding quickly and smoothly. As I've said before, Skip is an exceptionally good baby. We thought Zadie was really good baby, but I'm going to go ahead and say that Skip is better. When he cries it's directly related to either being hungry or wanting to go to sleep. The only thing he really isn't good at is riding in the car.
The big news with Skip is that he has just started a rigorous sleep training program. I decided it was time to start this program a few days ago when he woke at 1:30am. He had been waking up earlier and earlier and the cumulative effect of three months without sleep was really getting to be too much. Plus, he's got plenty of food and he's old enough to sleep through the night! So things are getting better and he's typically been sleeping until 4 or 5am now. I can't tell you what a big difference this makes!
Oh, the other thing Tori and I wanted to be sure to mention is that Skip is extraordinarily full of smiles and coos. I captured one of his smiles on this video, but I wasn't talented enough to video him and make him smile at the same time (sorry for the poor camera work).
Skip still has a great head of hair and really hasn't lost any. The roots are blonde, but they still haven't overtaken his dark hair. He's a handsome kid!
O wow hes huge!Can't wait to see him.
OK, what is the sleep through the night training program?? I NEED to know!
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