Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Skip at 2 months

I neglected to blog about my mom's visit last week. She spent lots of quality time with Skip and, apparently, also had time to read the paper at the same time. Check out Skip's monster pose -- he often sleeps like that.
This is Skip snoozing through one of the many fine cultural events he has attended in his short life. I think this was either a Neil Diamond cover band or a swing band.

I haven't posted nearly enough photos of Tori and Skip, so here's one of Tori with her signature Moby wrap. Tori is very passionate about the importance of babies being held, so she always tries to strap Skip on her even when she's multitasking.

Skip had has two-month checkup today and he's doing great. One doctor had told us we were overfeeding him a bit, so we cut back on the formula slightly. Skip now weighs 13 lbs exactly (76th percentile) and measures 23 inches (51st percentile). These are huge jumps from his 2-week appointment, when he was in the 15th percentile for weight. His head circumference remained in the 10th percentile, but the doctor said it's good for them to stay at the same rate and not to grow (or shrink) too rapidly.

So all is well with Skip. We had a busy weekend and hung out with Tori's friend Nika, her kids, and her parents. They were all amazed at how mellow Skip is. It's true -- I think he's even more mellow than Zadie was. He has a few things he cries about: he cries at the three-hour mark when he's ready to eat, and he cries when he's having trouble falling asleep and needs some bouncing or a pacifier. But that's really about it. He's a very content baby and he's really become so handsome!


Beth said...

I can't believe how darling (and big) the little Skippyjon Jones is! You guys are doing an amazing job!

Summer Nicklasson said...

What a beautiful baby! He is so lucky to have found such a loving home. Kudos!

Jenna said...

Super cutie! Do I always say that in these comments??
I am jealous of Tori's Mobie Wrap. I can't find mine! Argggh!