Saturday, October 10, 2009

Away with the Grandparents

My parents picked up Skip and Zadie this past Sunday and kept them for three glorious nights. It was a really busy work at week for us, so it worked out perfectly for them to take over. We had just got Skip trained to sleep through the night, so he came through during their time with him. I really wanted both kids to be perfect little angels since my parents are actually going to babysit AGAIN next weekend when we celebrate our anniversary. And it seems the kiddos came through big time. Here is an email my dad wrote to my family:

The kids were incredibly good. This was my first extended time with Skip. Kate recently wrote on her blog that he is the best kid ever. I read this right before we picked him up Sunday. I figured this was well placed propaganda. However, I came to the same conclusion. I’ve never seen a better baby than Skip. I particularly liked the fact that he was so generous with his smiles. He would even laugh out loud at his Granddaddy’s shenanigans and tried his darndest to talk to me . Zadie is more active and kind of bossy but, GOSH, she’s sweet! I was amazed by how protective she is of Skip. She LOVES her little brother.

So thank you, Mom and Dad, for your excellent care. I tried calling a few times to see how it was going, but my parents were always so busy they didn't have time to talk!

1 comment:

Nick said...

Sounds like a fun weekend. Wish I got to see them! Can't wait for you guys to come up, like 3 weeks right?