You may recall from a previous post that Zadie had a $40 hat that she loved and wore everywhere. It was kind of her signature look at the playground and in her classes. I've never owned a $40 hat, but we were on a bike ride and I stopped to buy her a hat at a fancy boutique and I felt silly leaving without buying something (see my need to justify the purchase?).
Anyway, after our November visit to San Francisco, the hat was never seen again (here she is in one of the last photos with her hat). This was very sad because it really was the only hat Zadie would wear and it fit her personality so well. I hope some kid is really enjoying that hat.
Tori and I had already decided not to give our kids any presents for Christmas this year since (a)
they don't really get the concept and I'm in no rush for them to get on board, and (b) my mother gives enough presents for a village of children! But then one day I was near that overpriced children's boutique and I decided to check and see whether they had the hat. They did and I bought it for Zadie. She wrapped it up and Zadie opened it on Christmas. It was a really adorable moment because Zadie still doesn't really understand presents and we had to open most of her presents for her, but she opened this one and she was really excited to see her hat again!
So, as obnoxious as it may be that my daughter wears a $80 hat, it was still kind of worth it.
i LOVE that hat on her and i LOVE that you bought the same hat really is the cutest hat, especially on zades!
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