Monday, February 22, 2010

Is it true?

We've been working with Zadie for the past week or two on potty training and I think it might finally be happening! She wears a diaper for her nap and at night, but other than that she's been pretty on the money. Two days with no accidents! She gets dried cranberries for going pee and a teensy piece of organic dark chocolate for going poop (on the toilet, that is). When she gets the chocolate she jumps up and down for a few minutes because she's so excited. Hopefully she's not going to start straining to poop just so she can get more chocolate!

I'm still not sure it's really happening, but even thus far it's been really great to have one less kid in diapers. We use a cloth diaper called Bum Genius and they're really great, but with two kids in diapers we have to wash about every other day. Combined with all of our other laundry, sometimes it feels like all we do is laundry! So this will be a welcome relief...if only it's true!

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