Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Zadie loves her some SophieIzzy. In her mind, they are one entity and she doesn't talk about them independent from each other. They are, simply, SophieIzzy. It used to be FofieIzzy, but her pronunciation has really improved.

Zadie giggles like a little maniac when she's around SophieIzzy and somehow I think they bring out her wild side. It's kind of like she's putting on a show for them. Unfortunately she only gets to see them three or four times a year, but she really does love them (correction: my sister has informed me they see each other six times a year!). And, we try to keep up via Skype, as well. It makes me SO happy to see them playing together and giggling.

It's hard to get a photo of the three girls together, but here's one where they're all kind of looking at the camera.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I was surprised when I first started reading this and it was talking about how much TORI loves SophieIzzy. :) The cousins got together SIX times last year! Not too shabby!