Thursday, September 9, 2010

Zadie Is Back in the Fold

I guess I never exactly announced it on here, but we're home from China! We had a great trip and of course there is so much to say about that, but I don't know where to even begin.

So I'll write instead about coming home to see Zadie. We got home on Tuesday and on Wednesday Zadie was delivered home around noon. We were at work but we met up for lunch and had lots of hugs and kisses. We were very excited to see her and, although we Skyped with her a fair amount while we were away, we really missed her.

I could tell that she was happy to see us and Skip, but it was also obvious how hard it was for her to leave my parents' house. She broke down in tears a few times crying for my mom. I can't really blame her for that since I know she had a great time and she was sort of living in paradise and as an only child all that time. I would have had hard time, too.

Now she's back with us and adjusting to having a little brother who rips her puzzle out of her hands and likes to wrestle. And also to authority figures who aren't quite as permissive in the food and drink department. But we're trying to take it easy on her and I was proud of Tori for letting her have PB and J at lunch and strawberry lemonade -- and letting her eat her fruit first.

We missed you Zadie and are so excited to be reunited!


Kim said...

What's wrong with PB&J?! Every time I asked Zadie what she wanted, she said "I want peanut butter samwich!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Two Mamas said...

I don't know...Tori has an issue with her eating too many PB and Js because she wants her to have more variety and stuff w/more nutrition. I tell her peanut butter has protein!

Kim said...

Yeah, man, protein! AND lots of fiber if you put it on a good whole wheat bread!

Jenna said...

Wow, Tori is HARD CORE!! Or is it HARD CORPS? Anyway, I don't know where she gets that energy to insist on no PB and Js. That would TIRE me out!!