It's been a GREAT present and Tori and I have appreciated the opportunity to re-charge so much. This definitely ranks up there with one of the best birthday presents ever. Last night Tori and I went out to a great sushi dinner and tonight we're going out for Sichuan food with some friends.
I just hope my parents aren't going to be too worn out from this week and never want to do it again. Yikes! Sounds like things are going well, but of course I'm sure they'll be breathing a sigh of relief when the kiddos drive off into the sunset tomorrow.
Here is an excerpt from an email my dad shared:
Skip has really tickled me on this trip. In the evenings we get in the jacuzzi with the kids. Skip dives in with belly busters. He can't swim a lick but that doesn't dampen his enthusiasm. Denise sits on one side of the jacuzzi and I sit on the other. He "swims" back and forth between us. He stands on a step in the jacuzzi like he's getting ready to jump in a pool. Then he throws his arms forward and does a belly buster towards the other side. He thinks he's swimming but he's under water and we have to pull him up. Sometimes it's hard to find him under all the bubbles. No matter how long I leave him under, he comes out spitting out water and smiling, ready to "swim" to the other side. He "swam" about 100 laps last night. He is fearless. He's also crazy about his Granddaddy Hal. He likes to play rough and the rougher we play the more he laughs. I'm trying to teach him it's not nice to hit.
Zadie is faithful in doing her chores - feeding the dog twice/day, getting the mail, etc. She's very serious about her chores. I cannot believe her vocabulary. She's like Kate was at that age. She'll argue about any and everything and she's articulate. Even Skip is talking. He's like a parrot - he repeats what we say. When he wakes up he talks to himself with moans and hums that sound like Uncle Arthur when he slept. After 15-20 minutes of those noises he finally starts to chant "OUT". That means we better come get him. They're fun.
1 comment:
I am glad you had a happy, restful birthday! Thinking of you. xoxo
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