Monday, September 5, 2011

Beach Days

We like our kids best when we're at the beach and least when we're in our house.  At the beach, all three kids are really good at entertaining themselves.  Our routine on the weekend is to pack lunches and lots of snacks and try to get to the beach around 10am and then leave about 2pm for naps back at home.  We're not sure how long we're going to be living such a close bike ride to the beach, so we're trying to make the most of it now.  It always amazes me how many people live in L.A. and never go to the beach, since I think it's one of the main benefits of living here (then again I rarely went to the beach when I lived in San Diego).

Here are some of my favorite photos from the beach over the past few weeks.

It's always so special and rare when one of the kids wants to stop playing and just chill.  I was a little bit jealous of this moment.

Check out Charlie's weird kimono robe thingie.  A friend brought this back from China as a bathrobe when Zadie was little, but it's thin and cool and perfect for keeping his pale skin out of the sun. 

Hooray that Skip has a boy cousin his own age!  Here is cousin Gavin, who will soon be moving to L.A. for more beach days! 

I think this was a day when we came to the beach after work and didn't have bathing suits.  I like it when Tori wears this cute hat instead of the other, totally awful Korean hat she typically wears.  Had to document the occasion.

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