Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Watch Out: Here Comes Politics & Current Events

When I started this blog after Zadie was born (or, more specifically, when my sister started this blog for me), I really only wanted it to be an electronic baby book that documented Zadie's early years.  Because of the ongoing culture wars in this country, I was worried about sharing too much about my personal life or my politics -- I didn't want to draw attacks from people critical of gay families.  I'm mostly talking about attacks in the form of mean-spirited comments or other online criticism, but it's also true that I've been very careful about what I disclose on the blog with regards to our physical location and identities.  I know it's a very remote possibility, and I'm happy to say that I feel it's more and more remote, but I felt so much hatred towards gay families in 2008 that I did worry a bit about some crazy person harming us.  It felt like the best way to deal with all the negativity was to just share the photos and stories of our life as new parents (which weren't all that different from any other new parents).

Having said all this, I tend to post entries with an eye for what my kids might be interested in reading many years down the road.  I would love to read what my parents were thinking about during some of the big events from my childhood, whether that was Jimmy Carter losing his re-election bid or even some pop culture event that I know nothing about.  I can talk to them about these events now, but it's different to read a journal of what someone was thinking at the time.

So, with that in mind, I'm going to occasionally post stories about my thoughts on the news of the day.  I think the only time I've done this in the past was my "Bittersweet" post when Obama won and Prop 8 passed.  And maybe our legal wedding day here and here.  Hopefully my few readers won't mind an occasional posting that doesn't involved photos of the kids!

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