Sunday, July 8, 2012


Naming a child is an honor, but kind of a stressful honor.  I think most people want something that is special and maybe a little bit unique, but not something that they'll be tortured about at school.  We feel like we hit the sweet spot with Zadie.  With Skip, we sometimes worry that he might catch some hell for his funny name (though mostly I think he can pull it off).  And with Charlie, we worry that we over-corrected a bit much and there will be three other Charlies in his class and on his soccer team.

I think naming your child is much harder when it's a foster child and you only have literally five to ten minutes notice that this human being will be entering your life.  Somehow with both Skip and Charlie, we really felt like we were in a pressure cooker to come up with a name and we spent lots of time agonizing over it -- all during the same period when we were extremely sleep-deprived because we were unexpectedly taking care of a newborn.  The longer it dragged on, the more entrenched each of us got with our favorite names.

Charlie was always on our list of favorite names, but after we actually brought home the boy now known as Charlie (he was named Ryan Michael by his birth parents), Tori became so dead set on naming him Ozzie that I feel she really started to hate any other name.  My version of this story is that I finally acquiesced to letting her call him Ozzie as long as she understood that it was temporary until we came to a final decision (since she said we needed to call him something).  Her version is that I reneged on the name.

Anyway, I ultimately backed out of Ozzie and Tori has never really forgiven me for that one.  Lately she's really taken to calling him Ozzie and he now answers to both Charlie and Ozzie.  Skip and Zadie have also lately started to call him Ozzie.

And now, in addition to Charlie and Ozzie (and the fact that he'll always be Ryan to his birth parents), this child can add a new name to the list: Bobby!  It started a few weeks ago when I went on a little drive alone with Charlie and I tried to actually strike up conversation.  Among the many questions I asked him was what his name was.  He didn't say anything, so I said, "Is your name John?" And he kept saying no to a few names until I got to Bobby, and then he said yes.  And when I would ask what his name was, he kept saying it was Bobby, but in this funny baby way that sounded like Bubby.  Now the other kids think it's really funny to ask him what his name is and listen to him say "Bubby" in his ridiculous little voice.  And they all get the giggles really bad.

So there it is.  It's so hard to come up with just the right name for your child that this poor little boy has three or four!  Maybe we can call him Ozboblie for short -- bet there won't be any other kids on his soccer team with that one!

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