Sunday, December 23, 2012

Charlie Runs Into His Teachers' Arms Now!

Since so many of you expressed condolences over how difficult the transition to daycare was, especially on Charlie, I thought an update was in order. Charlie now runs into his teachers' arms!

Big phew. Tori is usually the one to drop the kids off, and she asks him to find his classroom. So he runs through the hallways excitedly finding his classroom and then runs into one of his teachers' arms. With gusto. Let me tell you, that is a much better way to start of your day than our previous reality.

I wouldn't blame these teachers if they were fed up with him and didn't exactly look forward to his arrival, considering all the screaming he did that first week. But I guess that's why they work at a daycare and I don't. Somehow they seemed to genuinely be happy to see him and two of them individually told me touching stories about how much they like him and how they take photos of him to show their elderly mother (who had 10 redheads of her own!) and other family members.

This makes me think of how, not too long ago, the only career choices for a woman were to be a nurse or a teacher. Both are very important careers, but given my queasy stomach and the fact that I'm not very talented with young people (or at lesson-planning), I would have really struggled. And if I had to make my living working at a daycare center, I would be concerned for my family's welfare. So I'm thankful that times have changed and there are so many options for women now!

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