Thursday, May 22, 2014

Camping at Joshua Tree!

Ack! It's been too long since I've blogged. So I'll finally try to catch up with some updates.

Last month we spent a couple of nights camping at Joshua Tree National Park. We spent a Sunday and Monday night camping there, so it ended up not being very crowded and we got a great campsite in a corner away from other people. The best part was that the "backyard" of our campsite was acres and acres of slabs of rock to run around on. The kids were totally enthralled with all the adventure and exploration, which made us so happy.

It's a long story as to why, but we ended up pretending that Easter was on Monday morning instead of Sunday, so Tori packed all of the Easter eggs and then we hid them after the kids went to bed. Joshua Tree is not a very conducive environment for hiding Easter eggs, but we did our best and the kids were super excited. The only hard part was keeping their squeals of joy at a manageable level of noise given that it was 7am and noise carries in the desert!

The kids with their loot on faux Easter morning. Now try to imagine hiding plastic eggs in that environment!

On one of our many rock scrambling adventures!

Zadie showing off her moves.

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