Thursday, September 4, 2008


Kim, Eric, Izzy, and Sophie came for a visit last weekend. They only stayed one night, but we loved the company! It was their first time to El Segundo and we tried to convince them to move down here -- no luck yet. Izzy and Sophie went to the beach for the very first time, we had great barbecue in Venice, and ice cream in Manhattan Beach.

These aren't the greatest photos of Zadie and the twins, but let's just say it was an accomplishment to get a photo with all three of them looking at the same time. Actually, I don't know what's wrong with Izzy and Sophie because Zadie is clearly focused and looking directly at the camera. Haha.

I think this was the first time that the three cousins got to really interact and play together. Now that Zadie can sit up she can interact and defend herself a little better when the twins try to maul her!

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