Friday, September 12, 2008

Up on her soapbox

Zadie's only a bit over seven months and already we're exploiting her for propaganda purposes. Here she is demonstrating her opposition to Prop 8, which would ban gay marriage in California. We have this yard sign in front of her house and, as you can see from the photo, Tori laminated a cut-out from our New York Times photo and taped it below the sign. As anyone who has been to our house knows, we love to sit on the couch and watch the people go by on the sidewalk. Now it's funny to see people walk up to the sign and lean over to look more closely at the sign. I don't think there's any conclusive science on the effectiveness of yard signs on political elections, but we figured we'd try and do what we can. We'll also be walking in Manhattan Beach's Hometown Fair 10k in our wedding dresses and white Converses with "No on Prop 8" signs. Again, who knows what effect this will have, but we do feel that we'd like to try and do something because the election will be so close.

If you check out the other photo closely you'll see that Zadie is wearing an "I love public transporation" onesie. Slightly less controversial than the "No on Prop 8" cause, but important to us nonetheless.

So the theme of this post is propaganda. We hope that even if our readers (all three of you) don't agree with us, we can all agree that Zadie looks pretty darn cute!
Oh, I also posted some new photos on Kodak, which you can view by clicking the link on the right (labeled "August/Sept 08").


Trisha Paddock said...

Tori, Tori, Tori....It's me, Trisha Hunt (now Paddock). I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog! I was doing a little blog roaming and saw your name on Beth's!

Anyways, I had to comment! Your little precious Zadie is beautiful! Isn't it just a joy to have a child??? And can I say that you and Kate look absolutely stunning.....I still don't believe that she carried Zadie in her tummy, she is so both make me look like Roseanne Barr!!!

erin said...

Hi Kate- I am waiting patiently for a new blog post... let's get on it. I haven't seen new pics of Zadie for TWO whole weeks. I check every day!

love ya,