Friday, January 2, 2009

Rogers Sing-a-long

Zadie spent her first Christmas with the Rogers family at my parents' house in Julian (thank you, Mom and Dad, for letting us use your home!). We had 23 people crammed into their house and we had a great time. Well, I think maybe Zadie had a bit of culture shock because this was her first full-on Rogers family experience and she wasn't quite prepared for the noise level. She's used to being an only child and living in a quiet, peaceful environment, but over Christmas there were tons of kids screaming and lots of cousins and other relatives who wanted to hold her. She's always been good about going to other people, but she must have gotten too frazzled and she didn't do so hot. But towards the end she got better and she's just going to have to get used to it -- she'll be having another sibling sometime soonish!

After Julian, Zach's family (5 kids worth) came to Manhattan Beach for the week and stayed with Aunt Susie. They came over for dinner last night (minus nephew Aaron, who had just gone home to San Diego). Here's a video clip of Zadie hanging out with the Zach Rogers family and loving their singing. One of my favorite things about spending time with the Rogers family is getting to sing so many fun camp songs. "I Am A Conductor" is my personal favorite, although sadly that one is not featured in this clip. Check out Zadie laughing -- I wanted to zoom in on her, but thought that would be too Zadie-absorbed!


Anonymous said...

How cute is that? Looks like everyone was having a great time! Keep up with the blogging ~ we all enjoy it so much!

Love, Mom

Kim said...

Very cute. I would have never thought you could fit 7 people on that little love sofa.

Beth said...

Fee. Fee Fy. Koomala. Koomala koomala koomala vista.

Tori might have to translate.