Thursday, August 20, 2009


Here's Skip right after his bath. I call this his investment banker hairdo because I brushed it so perfectly flat and boring -- my mom prefers it when we give him the faux hawk.

Skip is doing a lot of chug-a-lugging. He's been eating 6oz every three hours since he was two weeks and it's really starting to show! The little guy who seemed so teensy now has a double chin, big cheeks, and rolls on his thighs. I took these photos today because I feel like his looks have changed so much recently.

Here's one of us outside on a cool summer night. It's cute how Skip is looking right at the camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our little Skip is growing up! His looks have changed since I saw him a couple of weeks ago. He looks so sweet! I look forward to loving up Skip and his big sister next week!

G-ma Niece