Sunday, August 2, 2009

Skip Bonds With Hal and Denise

If you look closely at this photo, you can actually see Skip smiling!

Zadie and Skip and I got back today from four days with my parents. Zadie had her usual fun swimming in the pool, including with her cousins Nick and Austin. But what was special about the weekend was that my parents really got to bond with Skip. They had met him for a few hours a few weeks prior, but this time they really got to know what a good baby Skip is and they showered him with love and attention.

My dad was able to squeeze in some holding time, but my mom was pretty attached to Skip (or vice versa) the whole 4-day weekend. She didn't want anyone else to hold him or feed him and she sang him lots of songs and rocked him. It made me really happy to see him getting so much TLC because I have to admit that it's harder to give that time when you have a second child. Luckily Skip has many people in his life already who love him. Grandma Linda was here on the very first day we brought Skip home and she got to spend a week holding him and whispering in his ear. And now Grandma Denise got his turn.

Tori missed little Skip and she is sitting next to me right now feeding him. I think Skip just got way cuter all of the sudden -- probably because he is fattening up so nicely. He is a really good baby and we are feeling lucky! I just wish he would sleep a little bit longer during the night, but I'll save that discussion for a future blog post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Skip is smiling! I love this picture! I wish Zadie-zoo looked a little happier ~ maybe we should have bribed her with some fruit... I also like seeing Mommy Kate's reflection in the window.

Thanks for the great 4 days and we look forward to seeing you all again in September.

Love, Mama Niece