Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas in the Mountains

We spent Christmas in the mountains at my parents' house, which is a great place to celebrate the holidays.

Favorite parts about this Christmas:
  • Zadie playing with "Ofie" and "Ofie" (she calls both twins that!). They can really crack each other up.
  • Skip getting lots of one-on-one time with his Granddaddy Hal -- on his shoulders, singing songs, and patting his bald head.
  • All the help from my superstar nephews, who must be better in the childcare department than any other 13 and 18-year-old boys in the universe.
  • Traditions. Tamales on Christmas Eve, pajamas to open on Christmas Eve (we stole that tradition from Tori's family), a great spread of traditional food (turkey, corn souffle, mashed potatoes, asparagus, and special salad), and our annual tradition of pledging to go on a horse and carriage ride but never actually doing it.
  • And, of course, presents! We are some lucky and spoiled peeps!
More photos soon, but here are two that I have on hand...thanks, Kim!

The whole famdamily!

I really love this photo of Skip -- and his shirt.

1 comment:

squid said...

the cutest picture of skip EVER!
such a handsome little boy.