Monday, March 22, 2010

Skip Crawls!

I can't believe I haven't blogged in a month. My readership has been in uproar about the lack of posts. Ha!! But seriously, the longer I wait between posts the harder it gets to blog because I feel like I have too much to say in one post. Also, I've really been wanting to post this video of Skip crawling, but I don't like uploading the videos. But here I am!

This video was shot on the first day Skip learned to crawl, February 28th, a few days shy of his 8 month birthday. So I think that makes him a pretty early crawler. And he's not just an early crawler -- he has excellent form to boot!

On that note, I'm reminded of this hilarious video we took of Zadie starting to crawl. It's hilarious now because she moved about a total of inch but we, blinded by our love, were so proud!!

Skip is really enjoying his newfound freedom and is one happy guy.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Skipper is just to darn cute. Can't wait to see him, Zadie and the two mamas this weekend!