Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Skip's Final Court Date!

We just found out today that Skip has his final court date scheduled for next Tuesday, April 20th. We're so excited to hear this because we weren't expecting it to happen so soon. Barring anything unforeseen, Skip will *officially* be ours next Tuesday. Of course he's been ours in our minds since we brought him home from the hospital, but this legalization of the adoption is a really important step.

We didn't do birth announcements when Skip was born because, well, we only found out on Day 4 and we wanted to wait until things were a bit more concrete. But we'll start working on sending out an adoption announcement and we want to make sure and take photos of the court hearing so that he can have those photos to look back on.

We're feeling very fortunate, all the way around. First of all, we somehow got Skip, who has an incredible personality and is a great baby. Second, we managed to avoid a lot of the emotional back-and-forth that is fairly typical of the foster-adopt process (and that we've seen many friends struggle with). Lastly, our adoption will have been completed in 9 and a half months, which has got to come close to a record for a county adoption!


Kim said...

Kate, this is AWESOME! Congratulations. I wish that I could be at court with you to take photos of the occasion. You guys are so lucky to have Skip, but he's awfully lucky to have you guys too!!!

squid said...

I'm so excited for you guys.....how lucky for Zoops and Skip to have each other, and how lucky for Skip to have you guys as parents!!!

Gabrielle said...

Postitive thoughts and lots of love being sent your way on Tuesday. So glad I finally got to meet him, although our stay was brief. Congrats and I echo what Kim said, he's just as lucky to have you as you to have him!