Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Zadie's First Day at Pre-School

I wish I had a photo of Zadie's first day at pre-school today, but our camera is broken. We signed her up for Tuesdays and Thursdays and she's been really excited about the start of school, partly because we got her a new Hello Kitty lunch box that she wasn't allowed to use until today. Sidney bought her a Hello Kitty bento box and water bottle, so she was all set.

I wish I could tell you something about how the day went, but it was like pulling teeth trying to get information out of her. Kind of like talking to a teenager in terms of one-word answers. All I can really say is that she was really excited when we dropped her off and she didn't cry or seem at all distressed when we said goodbye to her this morning.

Now Skip goes to daycare M-W-F and Zadie goes to pre-school Tu-Thu, so everyday our nanny Uncle Hank has baby Charlie plus one other child.

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