Monday, August 15, 2011

Zadie and Jake Forever

A few weekends ago we went to San Diego with some very good friends from L.A.  We had a great time and one of the best parts was how well Zadie played with Jake.  This was really fun during the day, but kind of an issue at night since they were sleeping in the same room and they would keep each other up late chatting the night away.  But this was a really cute photo we snapped of the two of them sleeping while holding hands, probably after chatting for like three hours.

On this particular night, my nephew Nick was babysitting and he couldn't get the kids to go to sleep.  He said that Jake kept talking and talking and that Zadie told Jake that she was really tired and that if he didn't stop talking then she wouldn't be his best friend anymore.  This made Jake really sad and he came out of the room crying to talk with Nick, who was sort of at a loss for what to say.  I wish she wouldn't have said that to him (telling people she's not their best friend anymore is her new favorite insult), but it's also kind of amusing to me!

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