Monday, August 1, 2011

Zadie Wants Two Sisters

Zadie was only 17 months when Skip arrived, so she didn't really think much of it. When Charlie arrived she was initially very excited about being a big sister and helping to take care of such a tiny baby, but that gave way to indifference and then, I think, minor resentment because Charlie was such a high-maintenance baby who demanded so much of her time. She quickly realized that it was due to his arrival that we had less time available for reading books and playing puzzles with her.

For a long time now, whenever I ask Zadie if she wants another sibling, she always says no. She won't really elaborate, but she's always very firm in her answer. But tonight when Tori made some comment about saving baby clothes for the possibility of a future child, I asked Zadie to weigh in.

Me: Zadie, do you want us to have another baby?
Zadie: Yeah!
Me: You do? Really?
Zadie: Yeah!
Me: Would you rather have a brother or a sister?
Zadie: A sister.
Me: But what would you think if you had another brother?
Zadie: That would be okay...but I want two sisters and another mommy.
Tori: Why do you want another Mommy?
Zadie: So that one could take care of Charlie and one could take care of Skip and one could take care of me and one could take care of the sisters [We didn't point out this more than three mommies].
Kate: So you want another sister even though that would mean we might have less time for playing games and puzzles with you?
Zadie: Yes.

So I guess Zadie is on board for another child, but I'm not making any promises. At the moment, the answer is no way, Jose.

It does make me happy to know that she's in the mood for another and isn't feeling so deficient in attention from her parents. She's a great big sister...most of the time!


Anonymous said...

Just catching up on your blog! Love it! Love the videos especially. Is there some way I can be notified when you make updates? - Pear

squid said...

she is just sweetness! i would LOVE to see zades have a sister. i have to say for a 3 1/2 year old....she's got great, thoughtful insights.....i'm always so surprised but what comes out of her mouth.....GENIUS!!!