Thursday, March 8, 2012

10 Things I Want to Do While My Family is Away

Though I will certainly miss my family over the next few months, I also know that this is an opportunity to do all of the adult stuff that I miss so much.  Basically I'm envisioning a life of arts and culture. 

Who knows what I'll actually accomplish, but here are a few of the things, in no particular order, that I'd like to tackle in my spare time (aside from learning the ropes at my new job):

1.  Read 10 books.  I'm open to suggestions, but I do know that I'd like to read "A Visit from the Goon Squad."

2.  Attend a lecture or two at the downtown library.

3.  Ride public transit on the weekends.

4.  Go on four long hikes in the National Park System.  My first one is this Saturday.

5.  Watch all of the Ken Burns' America's Best Idea series.

6.  Spend a weekend with my parents as an adult, without children!

7.  Babysit for friends or family who have done so much to help my own family.

8.  Do a service project one weekend.

9.  Go on an L.A. Conservancy Walking Tour

10.  Finally do the CicLAvia bicycle route in April (which I haven't been able to do the past few times for child-related reasons).

1 comment:

Irene said...

Wow! Well, let’s see. First try getting into an exercise routine if you don’t already have one! Next, if you want an easy but fun read, pick up a copy of the Hunger Games, young adult fiction. Loved the trilogy. I also read Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother in a flash, I loved BIG YEAR (about competitive birding), and I hear The Tiger’s Wife is supposed to be beautiful. And I’m so happy for Tori and the kids (and her mom) and their Costa Rica adventure. I’ll follow for updates for sure! Congrats on all your nice transitions!