Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Filling the Void

Tori and the kids (with Grandma Linda) left yesterday morning for Costa Rica.  I'm not sure how much I've already explained about the fact that they're going to spend two months in Costa Rica and one month in Washington, but basically Tori wasn't quite ready to be a stay-at-home mom yet and thought this would be a nice way to ease into it -- on the beach in a foreign land, with her mom helping out.

Obviously this is quite a big change for our family since I won't see the kids for about seven weeks (when they spend a week in L.A., before heading up to Washington). 

Yesterday after work I felt a little bit like an amputee.  A huge part of me was suddenly removed and it was a little disorienting.  I admit that it was nice to be able to leave work whenever I felt like it, but the whole evening was eerie.  I decided to go to a movie to fill the void.

It's not like I've never been away from my family before, so I don't know why last night was so much stranger than any other time -- I suppose it's also the fact that this is such a time of tremendous change, what with the change in jobs, the lack of a home, the move to a different community, etc.  I definitely had a moment last night when I thought, who came up with the stupid plan to do all of this at the same time?  Nothing like a clean break with your home, your job, your spouse's job, your neighborhood, and your entire family!!

My co-workers have been kind enough to organize happy hours for my last few nights on the job, and I always rue the fact that I never get to go to happy hours anymore, so here's my big chance.  I'm also going on a hike with a few friends on Saturday, so I'm looking forward to that.

Just filling the void over here!

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