Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sophie and Izzy Visit & Weekend Mornings

A few weekends ago we had a nice visit with Sophie and Izzy.  They came to L.A. with my sister and mom to connect with an aunt who was in town.  We hung out at The Grove, had ice cream together, and then my mom and sister drove back to San Diego.  And we got to keep the girls overnight!

Even though we're kind of overwhelmed with our own three, it really wasn't too much extra work to have the twins here because they are really well-behaved and they kind of keep Zadie busy.  And actually Sophie is really good about playing with Skip, although Zadie tries her hardest to exclude him at every opportunity.  Sophie is interesting because she is very independent and often breaks away from the group, or decides to spend time with Skip or Charlie.  Everybody played well together and I was happy for Zadie to get some quality time with her cousins.

Tori and I trade off taking all three kids out of the house on the weekends, usually from 6:30am (when they're allowed to get out of their beds) until about 10am.  It's hard to manage all three, but at least somebody gets to have one peaceful and restful morning per week.  So I don't mind taking on the challenge since I know that I'm going to benefit from the system.  I usually take the kids to the park from 6:30am to 7:15am and they ride their scooters while I feed Charlie.  Then we go to Jamba Juice and they also eat some of the steel-cut oatmeal there.  Then we go to a different park afterwards.  Tori usually takes the kids garage-saling, though I really don't understand how she manages all of that, especially because at that time of the morning the kids are always needing to pee or poop (and never at the same time).  Apparently she just asks lots of people if she can use their bathroom and I guess she's pretty hard to turn down with three kids in tow.

Anyway, I was quite proud of myself for taking all five kids away on the Sunday morning when they were here.  First we went to the park and they ran around for a long time.  Then I actually took them to that evil restaurant that has the playground, but annoyingly doesn't open until 9am.  I figured since I was so desperate to manage them all, it was pretty justified.  And they were pretty excited about that whole set-up.  The other people in that restaurant were quite curious about my five children -- lots of questions about that.  And looks of pity.

I've taken Skip and Zadie to "the restaurant with the playground" a few times but I really try to avoid using it's actual name because I don't want them to start asking to go there or building some associations with it. Lord knows I was the biggest McDonald's addict of all when I was a kid and, even though I know how bad it is to eat there, I still have to go there like once per month out of some chemical addiction.  And then Tori sees it on our credit card bill and is appalled, month after month!

Here are some photos from the weekend that my sister took:

1 comment:

Irene said...

Could Charlie be ANY cuter?!?!? Look at those cheeks! I bet people were talking to you with your five in tow! Impressive!!! I've sworn off restaurants until Finn is at least two. He won't sit still and we just chase him around the whole time.